Sunday Mornings
With 4 worship services to choose from your children will experience a combination Kids Code-based Bible Lessons, Worship through Music, Fun Drama Games and more.
Each time slot is somewhat different to insure that children who are present for 2 consecutive sessions will have a complete worthwhile experience, while parents are in connect groups and worship. Some slots have age-appropriate lessons divided by school grades, other slots will have a larger group setting, but you can rest assured that we will love and care for your child!
Nursery | Age 0-2
Sunday Morning Childcare | Your children are cared for during the Sunday morning worship services and Sunday school times, and you are encouraged to entrust their care to our qualified staff, or to sit next to them in the worship service, whatever you choose. We provide childcare for birth through Kindergarten during all four services in the North children’s wing of our facility.
Sunday School
Age 3-4, Pre-K, Kindergarten
Sunday Morning Childcare | Your children are cared for during the Sunday morning worship services and Sunday school times, and you are encouraged to entrust their care to our qualified staff, or to sit next to them in the worship service, whatever you choose. Sunday School style child care is provided for ages 3 through Kindergarten during all three services. It is located in the children’s wing on the North side of our building. Children first grade and older will participate in Kids Code (Children’s Church) or equivalent curriculum in various services.
Grades 1-5 | Kids Code
Kids Code is Children’s Church! On Sunday Mornings, we use a Kids Worship style curriculum. We sing praises to God, participate in fun activities, and use our Bibles to learn how we can live for Jesus. We offer Kids Code for 1st thru 5th grade. If you have special needs, visit with the nursery director.
Wednesday Nights During the School Year

Nursery | Age 0-2
Wednesday Night Childcare | Your children are cared for during the Wednesday and Sunday connect groups and you are encouraged to entrust their care to our qualified staff, or bring them with you to bible study, whatever you choose.
Your Child Age 2-3 | CROSSwalk
Meets each Wednesday night from 6:15 to 7:30 pm during the school year. For the 2- and 3-year olds we start by introducing biblical precepts at church and equipping parents to teach them at home. Children are welcomed each week with play time, songs and simple crafts and activities. Leaders present age-appropriate lessons using large, colorful teaching cards, finger puppet plays and more.
Your Child Age 3-5 |CROSSwalk
Meets each Wednesday night from 6:15 to 7:30 pm during the school year. We celebrate the spiritual potential of preschoolers (3- to 5-year olds) by helping them develop respect for God, His Son and His Word. At Story Time each week, preschoolers learn about God – the greatness of His love and His Word – and about His Son, Jesus Christ, the promised Savior. Non-competitive games build excitement and reinforce Story Time lesson themes. Our teachers will help you lead your child to God early so they will respect and trust Him for life.
Age 6 through 3rd grade
Meets each Wednesday night from 6:15 to 7:30 pm during the school year. In this age group, CROSSwalk will cater to curiosity of early elementary-age kids to learn about the people and events of the Bible, building a foundation of wisdom for knowing Christ. For many children in kindergarten to third grade, this will be the highlight of the week! They love the exciting games and spending time with leaders and friends.

Your Child Age 4th-5th grade | Free-Way 45
Free-Way 45 is our preteen group that meets on Wednesday nights. We worship, have meaningful Bible study, eat snacks, and do fun activities. After the holiday break, once a month we introduce your 4th/5th grader to worship with the youth. Once a month we also have messy activity. In this group, we talk about issues relating the pre-teen age group that hit home for them in the schools they attend, among their friends and family. In this group we see each student be stretched in their journey with the Lord. The goal is to see them develop and grow their appetite and ability to impact others. – this lasts from 615pm-730pm.
Wednesday Nights During the Summer

Wednesdays @ theroad aka W@R
This is our fun summer Wednesday activity and worship for kids while parents are in connect group or Wednesday Worship! Join us from 6:15 to 7:30pm!
Camp Edge
CAMP EDGE is for kids that have completed 3rd-5th grade and middle school students from 6th to completed 8th grade. Get REGISTERED today!